Description :
A non-corrosive cleaner which leaves no-residue behind on the surface. Has exceptional ability to quickly clean oily and greasy residues, soot, brake dust on brake linings, disc brake pads and drum brakes, engine and gear box housing, cylinders, springs etc. in order to help maximize operating performance and efficiency.
Features & Applications :
- Quickly removes gummy oil and grease residues, residues of brake fluids and silicones etc.
- Excellent penetration allows quick removal of grease, soot, brake dust and oily residues
- The fast evaporation rate enhances it’s cleaning action with no-residue/condensate build-up on the material surface
- Excellent for finding oil leak
- Free of CFC, HCFC, chlorinated solvents and silicones
- Safe on most plastics, coatings and rubbers