Welcome to Solvclean Specialities, a company offering Engineered Cleaning Solutions. Solvclean is a high quality producer of formulated cleaning specialities for Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) sector effectively serving the Automotive, Electrical & Utility, Electronics, Paints & Coatings, Manufacturing and Process Industries. Company has been formed and driven by highly experienced Research & Technology Professionals with extensive experience in delivering unmatched formulated products. Company's core philosophy revolves around building deep and sustainable bonds with its customers and meeting their cleaning needs in the most efficient, sustainable and environment compliant manner.
Company lays great emphasis on innovation right through the product development cycle. R&D and customer collaboration being the core platform of the organisation for developing eco-friendly cleaning formulations which helps us in meeting the diverse needs of the users without compromising worker safety leading to high customer satisfaction levels.
Solvclean is well equipped with manufacturing facility, technical and sales support and reliable logistics partner. With diversified portfolio of consumer and industrial cleaning specialities, technical advisory and marketing support, Solvclean aims to become partner of choice to customers, dealers and distributors and other critical stakeholders.
Solvclean Specialities India LLP is a firm based out of Navi Mumbai. The manufacturing complex is located at the Northern side of Maharashtra and is equipped with requisite technical capabilities to handle and process multiple complex chemistries aligned with the customer requirements and precise cleaning objectives. It specializes in manufacturing and offering a range of both Aerosol and Non-Aerosol based high performance cleaners, degreasers & broad maintenance and rust prevention sprays including brake cleaners, carburettor cleaners, throttle body cleaners, choke cleaners, engine cleaners, offline contact cleaners etc.
We aspire to consistently supply high quality cleaning products to satisfy the needs of OEM’s, MRO Sector and deliver sustainable cleaning solutions to diverse sectors of the economy. Our endeavour is to achieve high levels of customer satisfaction, become reliable source and partner of choice to diverse industries by collaborating with customers at each stage of the application process and offering eco-friendly clean and green chemistries.
Solvclean is committed to fulfil the need and expectations of its customers by providing quality products and services. Solvclean operates complying with all applicable national and international standards and regulations covering all aspects of the entire value chain. The manufacturing complex adheres to the stringent quality guidelines ensuring comprehensive alignment with quality guidelines of the customers.
Solvclean offers sustainable cleaning solutions to its customers and our products are free of n- Propyl Bromide (nPB), Perchloroethylene (PCE), Trichloroethylene (TCE), Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s), Hydro chlorofluorocarbons (HCFC’s), Aromatic solvents, Chlorinated chemistries and Heavy Metals. All the products fall in low toxicity bracket, are non-corrosive in nature and have excellent material compatibility. Solvclean strictly abides by all the regulatory requirements and compliances.